Our Standard: The most individual Machine Configuration
Our ModularDESIGN+ principle guarantees to you the most optimal configuration of your screen and it is a child’s play to adopt it in the future. Also in Terms of machine monitoring and maintenance we are offering many smart solutions. A small selection can be found here:


Vibratory machine monitoring 4.0         Now also available as APP

With the SPALECK  Connect Technology you will always have the performance details of your vibratory machine in your focus. In real-time and, if desired, on your Smartphone. This ensures optimum performance and protects against machine failures.

Inform now
SPALECK Collect App

LubricationCONTROL Central lubrication

Effective protection against bearing damage

With our SPALECK LubricationCONTROL central lubrication unit the bearings of your screening machine will always be optimally lubricated. Moreover the bearings are protected against impurities from incorrect greasing by the closed System.

Lubrication Control

SmartSUSPENSION                       Air suspension

THE ALTERNATIVE to the isolation-frame

Alternatively to the shifting via screw pressure springs or rubber buffers with isolation-frame, you can choose the unique SPALECK SmartSUSPENSION air suspension. With soft start & stop function and an insulation Level of up to 99%.

Smart Suspension

Flip-Flow Cassette

Simply even less cleaning effort

Your material is particularly sticky and caking? Fine! With our easily retrofitted Flip-Flow Cassette your screening layers will stay clean!

Side-wall sealing

With our unique Exchange System you have the choice

Depending on the material and application, you can choose between a flat or curved ending of screening-mats to the side-wall. This will bring you an increased screening-Performance by choosing the flat design (maximum open screen-area) or an optimum screening-quality with the trough-shaped ending.

SPALECK FineSide Cover

TwinSHAFT Drive

Maximum performance

In regard of the material, the task and the machine-size it might be necessary to use a double-shaft drive to work. On this behalf the SPALECK TwinSHAFT concept guarantees a maximum performance for an optimal screening-process.


One deck. Countless possibilities.

The unique SPALECK MultiZONE deck offers you serveral screening-areas on just one deck. This enables you to simply control the screening-quality and to flexibly adopt your screen to changing material characteristics.

Martin Hurson
Martin Hurson | Managing Director
  • +1 281 965 9656
  • +1 603 715 8972

our Screening machines are like us:          Real Teamplayers!

We build them with a lot of experience and care and pay Attention to a user-friendly and simple Operation and maintenance possibility Right from the design stage.

Change of Screening mats. Quickly and easily


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Thousand of Screening medias: Everyone a Screening expert

Best screeing results.
Together with us.

some call it production integration.
We call it advantage.

Did you know, that we, as mechanical engineers with more than 150 years of experience, have a production Integration of more than 90%? In this way we are using our own in-hose metal processing and CNC-parts production for manufacturing your SPALECK solution. And with the remaining less than 10% we also strictly observe a high level of quality and function.